Tweaked fog settings for thunder weather Foggy weather got reduced fog and more fog saturation for better athmosphere at midday Slightly fog added at 8pm, 9pm and all night times for sunny, extra sunny, sunny windy and cloudy weather Fog added at 6am for sunny, extra sunny and sunny windy weather Improved 7am, 9am, 6pm, 7pm top sky and azimuth colors for sunny, extra sunny and sunny windy weather Less saturated and more natural sky colors for sunny and extra sunny weather Added better burnt out vehicle texture for "HD Vehicle Textures" inside optionals folder Slightly improved clouds for sunny weather Improved lighting strength and colors for extra sunny and sunny weathers for all daytimes (6am-7pm) Improved 12am and 6pm sky colors for extra sunny and sunny weathers Improved 7-9am sky colors for extra sunny, sunny and sunny windy weathers Improved 7pm sun and sky colors for extrasunny, sunny and sunny windy weathers Completely new sunny windy weather for all daytimes (6am-7pm) Added ingame screenshots for all optinals Added more optionals (They are really worth to check out!) Added more distance fog for extra sunny, sunny and cloudy weather

Improved Clouds for sunny and sunny windy weather Improved sky colors for extra sunny and sunny weather Added enbseries.ini with enabled Rays which is needed for Project 2DFX Disabled Rays by default if not using Project 2DFX You can see any update changes here in the description. I would recommend to keep revisiting this mod page sometimes to check for mod updates. Screenshots using iCEnhancer 3.0 Natural (v1.5) with patch See here I still strongly recommend to use the version if you want the best visuals. Foggy and lighting weather are both different in visuals compared to the version but other weathers are almost identical. It's not same as polished and beautiful like the version but it works fine which was my only goal here so please don't complain when your game doesn't look same as good as on my shown screenshots. Big thanks goes to donnits who helped me to make iCEnhancer 3.0 compatible for patch and EFLC. Without his mod this modified Icenhancer 3.0 version wouldn't be possible obviously. Also thanks to Icelaglace again for his great Icenhancer 3.0 graphic mod. A lot of thanks to BisonSales and Icelaglace who helped me with some issues I had. This mod was developed for GTA IV patch but later I decided to add compatibility to patch and also to EFLC. I spent about 350 hours to make this mod. My inspiration was the never released Icenhancer C by Icelaglace.

This mod aims to make GTA IV more natural, less dark and more vibrant.

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