How to obtain: Gunmar will give you a set without the helmet upon first speaking to him. As you can likely tell, Dawnguard armor has the same armor rating as the previous entry, only it has a slightly smaller weight at 68 for the set, excluding the shield. Of course, this list is all about what the armor offers in terms of gameplay so I resisted the urge. I was tempted to put this entry much higher, specifically for the helmet. Or reach a Smithing level of 30 and have the relevant Smithing perk. How to obtain: Found in shops and as loot after reaching level 12. A total weight of 75 will certainly be an issue, particularly in early levels when you don’t have the perks to reduce heavy armor weight. It’s a shame too, you will be able to make use of Dwarven heavy armor but the low level its available at makes the time spent using it quite low. Make sure you progress your items as fast as your level, this list will tell you all you need to know about the best heavy armor in Skyrim! Keeping an eye on your armor level is important, enemies get stronger regardless of whether or not you keep your armor set topped up. As you advance through the game, you’ll upgrade your armor sets over time, relevant to your level. Of course, this comes at the drawback of a lower movement speed and huge inventory weights but that’s justified for how much armor you get. We've updated this list to include only the best mage items, explaining in more detail why they're powerful and how to obtain them.Wearing a huge set of hulking heavy armor is a sure-fire way of assuring your dominance in combat, enemy hits will deal significantly less damage. For players that have never played Skyrim before, you'll want to consider chasing the game's best items to create the best character possible. Bethesda is releasing yet another version of Skyrim to celebrate, complete with fishing and a few Creation Club add ons. Updated on September 23rd, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Skyrim's 10th anniversary is almost here. Here are the ten best pieces of gear for mages in Skyrim. With the right gear, mages are one of the most versatile and powerful characters you can play as.

That is until unique mage gear comes into play. Slow Magicka regeneration and a lack of spells can make mages feel subpar to other playstyles.

Unfortunately, leveling a mage is a complete pain.

Related: Skyrim: The Best Mods For Improving Combat While spell crafting was removed in this installment, the inclusion of dual-casting spells and enchanting gear has made this playstyle much more gratifying than in past installments. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim made many strides to make mage-focused characters much more satisfying to play.