If not hosting, on the right hand side.IMPORTANT!!! Don't choose a team until everyone is in the game.If hosting, select "Underpass" from the arena selection then press the "Host" button.Press F2 to open up BakkesMod, then go to "Plugins" > "Rocket Plugin" > "Open rocket plugin GUI".If Hamachi is working, go into Rocket League.

Also try pinging the other people in your network for a response.Run through Hamachi Diagnostics ("Help" > "Diagnostics") to check for any connection errors.Set up a Hamachi network and get your friends to join. Once a map is loaded, go to "File" > "Force restart Rocket League" to restart the game. Only one custom map can be loaded at a time as this overwrites Labs_Underpass_P.upk. On a downloaded map, click "Load" to load it ready for use in rocket league.Once loaded, you can click "Download" on a map to download it.Wait for maps to populate in main menu.Install Hamachi, BakkesMod and Rocket plugin for multiplayer custom map functionality.Find your rocket league directory path.

Currently there are no community maps uploaded but when there are, they will hopefully follow the same structure as Leths maps and not break my program when trying to load them haha.